Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Think God

The following was written by Rev. Gina Yochem and published in the Goliad Advance-Guard on March 5, 2020:


While driving in San Antonio, usually on some journey with a purpose and a list of
things to do, I sometimes see a billboard that catches my attention. This billboard
is all white. With two words in utterly plain black print. THINK GOD. The first
time I saw it, I glanced briefly and wondered what the gimmick was. Who was
trying to sell me some thing or some group. But I noticed.
As time has gone on and I see it on occasion I have all kind of thoughts.
Whoever it is who has bought the billboard on a busy commercial stretch of the
freeway wasn’t trying to tell me what to think, or where to think it, or with whom
to think it. Instead of being defensive about some other church having an
advertising budget like that, I feel grateful for the nudge. The nudge I clearly need
since my reaction comes from a shopping frame of mind or an attitude of
I also just feel grateful to know there is someone who offers the reminder
with no strings attached. a word to bring an open moment in the heart of any
person in any frame of mind for God to be present in a driving-around-place in
the middle of life.
Sometimes, I just realize I need to quit thinking so much……and THINK GOD.
It is all we need, especially in the Lenten season we are beginning. We are called
to recall our sins. To pray for forgiveness and amendment of those ways we
break with God and to ask for help to do these things. To remember His life and
sacrifice and to give thanks for the eternal life we receive with Him. To study and
read those who share the journey of life. But mostly, I wonder if God’s main call
is to keep Him in our minds and hearts as much as we can. To think God.
Rev. Virginia Yochem
Partners in Ministry
St Stephens , Goliad
Church of the Ascension, Refugio

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